“TIME” Part 2

In Part 1 of TIME we looked at whats makes up time, where did it come from. Today I want to look at an interesting Theory about time.

From Einstein’s Theory of Relativity to many scientific observations of modern life show that things get weird especially around space, – time, & gravity.  One of the main concepts is that when moving time appears to be different to being stationary.

Theory –

The faster you are moving, the slower time moves. At the speed of light, time comes to a complete stop.

My Thoughts

A lot of Space-Time and Light Speed are visual observations. If you use our vision to see an object, lets say a clock. If our vision was powerful enough to see it even at light years away, and the clock was moving away from us what would we observe?

What we would see from the clock in the reflected light travelling towards us (at the speed of light). So when it is stationary we would see the hands move as normal, as we would expect. Even though light is very quick it still takes time to travel from its source to us. For example, it takes the suns light 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach us. Thus if the clock was moving away from us what we are actually seeing is the light that left the clock at time intervals that took longer to get to us.

Thus if the clock was now moving away equal now to the distance of the sun away, then the time we see would be the time 8 minutes ago. Thus the faster and further away the clock moves the longer it would take that light to reach us, and the clock would at first appear to slow down and at the speed of light the clock in all aspects would have appeared to have stopped.

However, the truth is that the clock is still ticking and time is moving, we just can’t yet observe it.  Time has not stopped.

Just remember all the planets and stars we see are the memory of those objects from hundreds or even thousands of years ago as their light finally reach us.

Food for thought

Time moves forward at the same rate regardless of the events. What changes is what we observe, how we perceive the events around us. After all when you are board time goes slow, and when you have fun it appears to go quick. All that has actually changed is your perception of time.


Distortion of Time and Space.

Hang on, have they not sent clocks into space and the time has changed whilst it travelled around the planet, and don’t they have to adjust GPS satellites time clocks to stay in line with Earth Bound Clocks.   And what about the Theory of Special Relativity, and the Twin Paradox?

The twin paradox

A natural source of confusion in understanding the time-dilation effect is summed up in the so-called twin paradox, which is not really a paradox. Suppose there are two teenage twins, and one stays at home on earth while the other goes on a round trip in a spaceship at relativistic speeds (i.e., speeds comparable to the speed of light, for which the effects predicted by the theory of relativity are important). When the travelling twin gets home, she has aged only a few years, while her sister is now old and grey.

My Thoughts

I know clocks are more technical than dropping a ball, and Theory of Relativity says that regardless of how fast you travel light travels at the same speed,thus it must be time distorting. But this simple diagram I think explains my thinking.

In the first part is a fixed box with a ball in it.  It is a special ball clock and it takes exactly 1 second to drop from point “a” to point “b”.  Now if the box was moving the ball still drops from point “a” to point “b” but will take longer than 1 second to drop as it actually now has further to drop.

ball drop


Time clocks going slower?

Okay, this shows how time may take longer when travelling, however how do you explain time going slower when travelling?

Well if you look at the rotation of the earth then you can say that the ball dropping is also subject to the distance the earth has moved in that 1 second. If the the box was in a plane and going with the Earth’s rotation then the plane is moving faster that the Earth Spins, and if it goes against the earth’s rotation the plane would be going slower than the Earth’s spin. What if the plane was going north or south then it would be subject to the Earth’s spin as well as the distance and speed of the Planes travel time. All this would effect how the ball would drop.

What about atomic clocks, and light clocks?

One thing we keep focusing on is that we observe clocks, regardless of how fast or accurate they are to date, they rely on moving and recording me mechanisms.

What we need to look at is, is it the clock that has been altered in the transition, or is it time itself.  Even though physics have come up with formulas that predict the time changes, is it actual time change, or physical clock change that they are predicting?

I would love to see them do these experiments all at the same time with many different types of clocks and compare the changes across each one.

In Summary

Until I see further evidence, that time can be distorted with speed. I will not be convinced that time actually changes. If you read all the explanations about the Time-Space distortion you will see the word observer used all the time. E.g. The person travelling away at the speed of light would be observed to be etc.

I am very interested in the Space-Time Theory and am not trying to be a cynic or critic. I have always been a deep thinker and would very much like to understand how and why this works, if it was actual time and not just clock changes.

Maybe they need to take an element with a half life that is predictable and compare samples after a space flight, or take a large selection of mice into space and compare them to ground based mice on return and see which group on average aged more.

If you have more evidence and willing to share I am very keen to understand.

Time Travel?

I will cover this in Part 3 of TIME

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