Black Holes – New Points to Ponder

A Black Hole – Definition

black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it.[1] The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.[2][3] The boundary of the region from which no escape is possible is called the event horizon. Although the event horizon has an enormous effect on the fate and circumstances of an object crossing it, no locally detectable features appear to be observed.[4] In many ways a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it reflects no light.[5][6] Moreover, quantum field theory in curved spacetime predicts that event horizons emit Hawking radiation, with the same spectrum as a black body of a temperature inversely proportional to its mass. This temperature is on the order of billionths of a kelvin for black holes of stellar mass, making it essentially impossible to observe.


Some Points to Ponder

  1. A black hole has NEVER actually been see or directly observed
  2. All drawings and images to date are computer artist representations of what we believe them to look like.
  3. All movies and books may be based on incorrect facts.
  4. The effects of a black hole can only be partially observed
  5. Stars at the centre of our galaxy appear to rotate around an invisible object. Which scientists believe to be a black hole.
  6. Black holes appear to have immense gravity, effecting even light, creating an almost perfect black undetectable and unobservable spot in space.
  7. Black holes may actually be very dense objects and not holes at all.
  8. Every galaxy appears to have a black hole at its centre.
  9. Black holes emit radiation. What goes in must come out – somehow.


Image showing a computerised feeling of what a black hole is like and emitting a radiation spike.

Some Myths

  • Black holes are a portal to other worlds – universe
  • Black holes are path ways to other black holes
  • Nothing escapes a black hole – yet radiation escapes
  • It is believed that Black holes emit columns of radiation or radiation spike.
  • Scientist now looking for White holes the opposite or back door to a black hole

Are Black Holes like these Pool Vortex Rings, but in Space?


Gravitational Importance of a Black Hole

It is believed that at the centre of all galaxies are black holes.  Just like the centrifugal force of the planets push the planets away from the sun, but are held in place by the gravitational pull from the sun.  In this way black holes are holding galaxies together.


Black Hole Wind

The other interesting thing about black holes is that black holes do not just suck everything in and that nothing can escape a black hole. Energy and radiation escapes black holes  and in a very spectacular and powerful way.

Black holes emit a kind of energy or radiation wind, and not in the energy spiked form that was previously thought. This wind has been observed blowing gasses and highly ionised particles away from it at speeds greater than 25% the speed of light. (7494811.2 m/s)

This wind blow goes out from a black hole in almost a perfect sphere in every direction. This finding rules out the possibility that the wind blows out in narrow beams or radiation spike.




Picture Reference & More Reading:


Black Holes – What we don’t know continues.

As humans’ explore the universe around us, past theories are changed or proved, but one thing is for certain. There are more mysteries out there for us to discover and black holes are right at the centre of it all.



Is it possible that Black holes may be concentrated dark matter or anti-matter?

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